Wiki Mirai Nikki

Mirai Nikki Blu-ray Soundtrack CDs están CDs que han sido sólo está disponible con las ediciones limitadas de comunicados de Blu-ray de Future Diary. Contienen la música de fondo del anime compuesto por Tatsuya Kato.

Volumen 1[]

  1. The Mental Door Has Been Opened (心理の扉が開かれた)
  2. Moving Premonition (動き出す予感)
  3. Developing Rhythmination (展開リズミネイション)
  4. Intracerebral Trance (脳内トランス)
  5. Ridiculing a Fool (愚者への嘲笑い)
  6. Guided by Causality (因果律の導きのままに)
  7. Despair is Close By (絶望はもうすぐそこに)
  8. To Surpass the Fear of Murder (乗り越えるべきは殺害恐怖)
  9. Accelerating Mind (アクセルマインド)
  10. Chaotic Culture (混乱カルチャー)

Volumen 2[]

  1. He Who Persists in Spectation (傍観に徹する者)
  2. Noisy Idea (思想ノイジー)
  3. Atmosphere of Relief (安心空気)
  4. Circumstances of Young Love (青春恋愛事情)
  5. Here With You (想いの寄り方は不均一)
  6. Bizarre Method of Following (異常なる尾行的行動)
  7. Intersection of Murder Intent and Fear (殺意と恐怖の交差点)
  8. Collapse of Causality (因果律の崩壊)
  9. Sacred Eye (御目方教)
  10. Hard Mind World (ハードマインドワールド)

Volumen 3[]

  1. Prank Game Music (悪戯遊戯音楽)
  2. Sound of Battle Game (バトルゲームサウンド)
  3. Craziness (クレイジークレイジー)
  4. Hide and Seek (カクレンボ)
  5. Upper Class Speed Game (上層スピードバトル)
  6. Ultimate Love Conceives Madness (最上級の愛は狂気を孕んで)
  7. The Mental Door Has Been Opened ~more~ (心理の扉が開かれた~more~)
  8. "Ouch" of Morbid Interchange (不健全交流ギャフン)
  9. Family's Kindness, Mother's Warmth (家族の優しさ母の温もり)
  10. Observing Detective (観測探偵)

Volumen 4[]

  1. Power of Determination to Stand (立ち上がる覚悟の力)
  2. Adult Guilt (アダルティギルティ)
  3. Revolving Charm (回転する愛嬌)
  4. Operation Meeting (オペレーションミーティング)
  5. At the End of the Worst (最悪の果てに)
  6. The Future in the Diary (日記の中にある未来)
  7. Ms. Muru Muru's Hidden Future Diary (ムルムル先生の裏未来日記)
  8. Escape Diary (逃亡日記)
  9. Cathedral of Causality (因果律大聖堂)
  10. Reminiscence of a Life of Despair (絶望人生の回顧録)

Volumen 5[]

  1. Moment of Turning the Tables (勝機に転じる瞬間)
  2. Mysterious Existence (謎めいた存在)
  3. Hero of Justice (正義のヒーロー)
  4. Dissonant Betrayal (不協和音的裏切り)
  5. Bomber's Loud Laughter (高笑いの爆発人間)
  6. Turning Point of Life and Death (生死の分かれ道)
  7. Do Not Regret, Just Fight (恨むなかれ、戦うのみ)
  8. Pure Soul (純粋なる魂)
  9. Mutual Trust Beyond Approval (許す先の信頼関係)
  10. Techno Brain (テクノブレーン)

Volumen 6[]

  1. Warm Sunlight (暖かな日差し)
  2. King Diary (KING日記)
  3. Footsteps of Premonition (予知の足音)
  6. Lover's Quarrel (痴話喧嘩)
  7. Childish Kindness (幼き優しさ)
  8. Bunny Attack ~Slow~ (うさぎアタック ~スロウ~)
  9. Bunny Attack ~Quick~ (うさぎアタック ~クイック~)
  10. Compromise Status Quo (現状打破)

Volumen 7[]

  1. Observer (観測者)
  2. Pseudo-Wedding (擬似結婚式)
  3. Crossing Paths of Kindness (優しさのすれ違い)
  4. Muru Muru's Melodrama (ムルムルメロドラマ)
  5. The Watcher (ザ・ウォッチャー)
  6. Tiny Self (ちっぽけな自分)
  7. Tremor of Causality ~Yin~ (因果律の揺らぎ ~陰~)
  8. Tremor of Causality ~Yang~ (因果律の揺らぎ ~陽~)
  9. Visiting Sadness (訪れた悲しみ)
  10. Rhythm of Daily Life (日常のリズム)

Volumen 8[]

  1. Faint Youth Love (淡い青春の恋)
  2. Composed Survival (余裕サバイバル)
  3. Investigation Diary (探偵日記)
  4. Abandoned Feeling and Picked Up Feeling (捨てる感情と拾う感情)
  5. Melody of Bent Love (湾曲愛情旋律)
  6. Duel of Physical Strength (体力測定勝負)
  7. Time of Revolving Intellect (頭脳回転時間)
  8. Akashic Records ~Decoding~ (アカシックレコード~解読~)
  9. Akashic Records ~Turbulence~ (アカシックレコード~不穏~)
  10. Blood teller~piano~
  11. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 01 (未来日記的着メール音01)
  12. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 02 (未来日記的着メール音02)
  13. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 03 (未来日記的着メール音03)
  14. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 04 (未来日記的着メール音04)
  15. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 05 (未来日記的着メール音05)
  16. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 06 (未来日記的着メール音06)
  17. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 07 (未来日記的着メール音07)
  18. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 08 (未来日記的着メール音08)
  19. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 09 (未来日記的着メール音09)
  20. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 10 (未来日記的着メール音10)
  21. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 11 (未来日記的着メール音11)
  22. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 12 (未来日記的着メール音12)
  23. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 13 (未来日記的着メール音13)
  24. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 14 (未来日記的着メール音14)
  25. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 15 (未来日記的着メール音15)
  26. "Mail Received" Sound of Future Diary 16' (未来日記的着メール音16)

Volumen 9[]

  1. HOLON III Activated (HOLON III 始動)
  2. Truth at the End of Shock and Tragedy (衝撃と惨劇の果てにある事実)
  3. Arriving Miracle (抗って届く奇跡)
  4. The Bound Two (結ばれる二人)
  5. Reckless Fight (暴走的戦い)
  6. Battle Intellect (戦闘頭脳)
  7. Covered in a Mother's Warmth (母のぬくもりに包まれて)
  8. Sympathy and Parting (共感そして別れ)
  9. Majestic Fight (壮大なる戦い)
  10. Eternal Time and Space (永遠の空間と時間)
  11. Time of Happiness (幸せな時間)
  12. Future Diary Ringtone 01 (未来日記的着信音01)
  13. Future Diary Ringtone 02 (未来日記的着信音02)
  14. Future Diary Ringtone 03 (未来日記的着信音03)
  15. Future Diary Ringtone 04 (未来日記的着信音04)
  16. Future Diary Ringtone 05 (未来日記的着信音05)
  17. Future Diary Ringtone 06 (未来日記的着信音06)
  18. Madness Rain (狂気沈殿)
  • Opening theme used in Volume 9 of the DVD and Blu-ray
  • Lyrics by YUI
  • Composed and arranged by Takaha Tachibana
  • Performed by Yousei Teikoku
  • Ending theme used in Volume 9 of the DVD and Blu-ray
  • Composed by Shunryu
  • Arranged by Masaki Suzuki
  • Lyrics and performed by Feylan

Enlaces externos[]
